take this path as obvious

Be aware, question yourself. Handle issues with humility and respect. And always push yourself to do better and better. Doing things our way.


Create a sensitive brand

The desire to create a brand that brings us closer to our senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing. These senses that awaken us and are so important for our well-being. Change our consumption patterns, reduce the impact on our planet as much as possible. The challenges are immense and the means are often complicated to put in place.

So it's about taking the time to choose fabrics and feeling what they give us. Each piece must be relevant and find its place.


Ethical, human & involved

At PLUME we want more than anything to build relationships of trust. First of all with the women and men who, thanks to their know-how, make this whole adventure possible.

A bond of trust that goes further than commercial agreements, and is true partnerships.

In our opinion, long-term relationships are necessarily conducive to creation and benefit. They make it possible to promote small family structures that often hold professional knowledge.

the right price, all year round

How to offer quality clothing at the fairest price?

Well there is only one solution, you have to give up all costs that do not relate to quality and service. We must therefore reduce stocks and avoid intermediaries.

And above all, from our point of view at PLUME, sales and private sales always give the impression of never buying at the right price.

There will therefore be no sales, but the right price, at the right time.

No inventory means fewer clothes made for nothing, and a big kiss to our planet.


Everyone has their own know-how

We are proud of all our suppliers. Because every gesture counts, we have selected our workshops based on their know-how. And each country has its own specificities. One works with linen, the other with wool, leather...

We love the authenticity of the work and the irreplaceable value of craftsmanship.

Our production quantities are tailor-made with meticulousness and accuracy.

Our little story

Created in January 2020 by Céline Lescure Inquel, PLUME was born thanks to Instagram, with the sole inspiration of the desire to offer clothes that reveal our senses, at the fairest prices and with the lightest possible impact on our planet . With a sincere desire to improve everything that can be improved every day. PLUME is a 100% digital brand, because we had to think outside the box in order to change things. No overproduction, no destruction, no sales.

Our inspirations: travel, encounters, natural materials, and above all what makes us happy. The light, the touch, the smiles.